Abstracts - Extrusion/Die Theoretical Track
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TH038 What Does Exit Temperature Measurement Tell Us? |
TH095 Multi-Goal Virtual Optimization of Industrial Extrusion Dies |
TH040 Charge Weld Scrap Minimization by Means of Dead Metal Flow Control in Die Design |
TH096 Extrusion of Tailored Seamless Aluminum Tubes with Axial Variable Wall Thickness and Characterization of Mechanical Properties |
TH047 Investigation of Material Flow and Thermal Behavior during the Transient Stage of Extrusion |
TH104 Production of Hollow Profiles by Hot Extrusion of Aluminum Chips |
TH051 Fundamental Research and Future Developments of Aluminum Extrusion Technology |
TH108 Influence of Extrusion Die Geometry on Weld Seam Properties of AA6082 Extrudates |
TH056 The Effect of Crystallographic Texture on the Mechanical Response of Aluminum Extrusion Alloys |
TH111 Using FEM to Model and Troubleshoot Extrusion Die Failures |
TH057 Automated Extrusion Die Design Integrated with Simulation |
TH114 Prediction of Thermal Conditions in Rod Extrusion by FEM-Analysis for Laboratory and Industrial Aluminum Extrusion |
TH058 A Special-Purpose Finite Element Simulation Method for Virtual Modelling of Complex Hollow Profile Extrusion Processes |
TH115 Required Extrusion Loads in Axisymmetric Rod Extrusion Characterized by FEM Analysis with Experiments |
TH063 The Effect of Die Design on T-Streak Formation |
TH123 Extrusion-Machining as an Analog to Investigate the Deformation Zone Mechanics during the Aluminum Extrusion Process |
TH064 Influence of Extrusion Die Bearing Geometry on Surface Grain Structure and Texture |
TH126 Experimental Investigations and Numerical Simulations of Textures and Microstructures of Extruded Aluminum Alloys |
TH072 Friction Behavior in Long Bearing Channels during Aluminum Extrusion; Experimental and Numerical Investigation |
TH163 Effect of Extrusion Microstructure on Corrosion of AA6005A Aluminum Alloy |
TH078 Modeling the Effect of Mn on Extrudability, Mechanical Properties and Grain Structure of AA6082 Alloys |
TH199 Development and Validation of a Dynamic and Static Recrystallization Model for Microstructural Prediction of AA6060 Aluminum Alloy with Qform |
TH079 Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Friction Behavior for Simulation of Extrusion Processes |
What Does Exit Temperature Measurement Tell Us? Christopher W. Jowett, Rio Tinto Aluminum, Canada; Yahya Mahmoodkhani, University of Waterloo, Canada; Nick Parson and Guillermo Garza, Rio Tinto Aluminium, Arvida R&D Centre, Canada
Exit temperature measurement in 6xxx-Series alloy extrusion is routinely used to ensure the material has reached a sufficiently high temperature to cause dissolution of Mg and Si such that the required mechanical properties can be attained. The other important temperature, not routinely measured, is the die bearing/profile surface temperature, as this dictates the surface quality of the product. It is well established that the latter temperature can be significantly higher than that measured at the platen. This difference is primarily due to the large thermal gradient that exists across the profile thickness as it leaves the die and the subsequent rapid thermal conduction, such that the temperature measured at the profile is an average value. Using a combination of experimental extrusion trials and FE modeling, this paper describes work conducted to understand the complex relation between the surface and bulk exit temperatures during multi-billet runs and how this is influenced by process conditions such as the billet/container temperatures and differentials. Charge Weld Scrap Minimization by Means of Dead Metal Flow Control in Die Design Tommaso Pinter, Almax Mori & Alumat, Italy; Dan Antonios, Alexandria Industries Mid America, USA; and Barbara Regiani and Andrea Gamberoni, University of Bologna, Department of Industrial Engineering (DIN), Italy
In structural extrusions and other critical sections, charge weld and coring are unacceptable defects. The extension of the charge weld, otherwise called front-end defect, is strongly influenced by the die geometry. It has been shown that, in order to minimize the front-end defect, dies should be designed such that the flow is balanced and the seam weld lines appropriately positioned. The work reported in this paper examines the dynamics of the dead metal zones in hollow extrusion dies through the use of FE analyzes and looks at the effect of their minimization on the front-end defect. Investigation of Material Flow and Thermal Behavior during the Transient Stage of Extrusion Cunsheng Zhang, Shandong University, People’s Republic of China/Conglin Aluminum Co., Ltd., People’s Republic of China; Shan Yang and Guoqun Zhao, Shandong University, People’s Republic of China; and Anjiang Gao and Lanjun Wang, Conglin Aluminum Co., Ltd., People’s Republic of China
Numerical simulation is an effective means to understand material flow and thermal behavior during the extrusion process, which have a great effect on the product quality. The material flow behavior and temperature evolution are obviously distinct during different stages in an extrusion cycle. However, due to large time consuming with finite element simulation, current literatures mainly focus on the steady-state simulation of extrusion process, which neglect the beginning and the ending stage during an extrusion cycle. Fundamental Research and Future Developments of Aluminum Extrusion Technology Pradip K. Saha, The Boeing Company, USA The Effect of Crystallographic Texture on the Mechanical Response of Aluminum Extrusion Alloys Warren Poole and Jingqi Chen, The University of British Columbia, Canada; Y. Mahmoodkhani and Mary A. Wells, University of Waterloo, Canada; and N.C. Parson, Rio Tinto Aluminum, Canada Automated Extrusion Die Design Integrated with Simulation Nikolay Biba, Micas Simulations Ltd., UK; Sergei Stebunov and Andrey Lishny, QuantorForm Ltd., Russia
The paper presents an attempt to bind extrusion die design and extrusion simulation in a single development and optimization routine. The simulation is based on the Euler-Lagrange approach that is realized as a FE model of the material flow coupled with die deformation. It means that elastic deformation of the die influences the material flow while the die deformation itself is dependent on the contact pressure applied by flowing material. Such a coupled solution is obtained through several iterations and includes automated re-meshing of the material flow domain that is required due to significant distortion of initial mesh in the bearing area. Such simulation coupling is especially important for complex profile shapes because die deflection causes inclination of an initially straight bearing, creating local choke or relief zones that may significantly influence the material flow. As soon as simulation shows some problems like unbalanced material flow, it is necessary to modify the die geometry either in the bearing area or in the portholes or welding chamber. Such modification can be done faster and easier with an automated system of 3D extrusion die design that has been developed. It is based on the idea of parametrisation of basic features of die and mandrel design. The bearing length, depth of pre-chamber, location and shape of webs can be easily modified by just altering some parameters. The modified shape of the die is exported to the simulation program where we can see how efficiently this modification influences the material flow and die deformation. If necessary this routine can be repeated several times to reach the best results. The presented approach is illustrated by examples where different ways of die design alteration have been applied and then tested by simulation and practice.
A Special-Purpose FE Simulation Method for Virtual Modelling of Complex Hollow Profile Extrusion Processes Pavel Hora,, Christoph Becker, and Longchang Tong, ETH Zurich, Switzerland The Effect of Die Design on T-Streak Formation Jean-François Béland, National Research Council Canada; Nick Parson and Chris Jowett, Rio Tinto Aluminum, Canada
Streaking remains one of the main quality concerns for decorative painted or anodized soft alloy extruded profiles. In many cases the defects are not visible until after the finishing operation, resulting in late delivery and extra cost. There are many causes of streaking, including billet metallurgical quality and extrusion defects but one of the most common streak types is that occurring at T-sections. The inherent local section thickness change can influence the bearing contact condition and the underlying metallurgical structure, both of which can promote streak formation either in terms of the mill finish surface topography or the response to etching. In practice, various methodologies, such as the application of choke or modifications to the feeder pocket design, are often applied in an attempt to control the severity of such streaks. This paper describes the results of extrusion trials conducted to examine the impact of systematic modifications to die design on streaking tendency. Influence of Extrusion Die Bearing Geometry on Surface Grain Structure and Texture Yahya Mahmoodkhani and Mary A.Wells, University of Waterloo Canada; N.C. Parson, Rio Tinto Aluminum, Canada; and J. Chen and Warren Poole, The University of British Columbia, Canada
The variation in deformation conditions from surface to the center of extrusions often produces heterogeneous grain structures. An example of this is the coarse grain surface layer often found in medium strength alloys which can be detrimental to performance. It is well-known that the die bearing profile, in the form of choke or “Controlled Strain Rate” contours can influence the formation of this layer but the underlying mechanisms are not well understood. The current paper describes experiments conducted to gain insight into the generation of surface microstructures as a function of die bearing geometry. A simple bar was extruded using various die bearing profiles. The resulting surface microstructures were characterized by Electron Backscattered Diffraction (EBSD) and optical microscopy. Comparisons were then made to the thermo-mechanical history and stored energy predictions experienced by the material at different spatial points generated with an FEM model using DEFORM-2D. Friction Behavior in Long Bearing Channels during Aluminum Extrusion; Experimental and Numerical Investigation Vidal Sanabria and Soeren Mueller, Extrusion Research and Development Center TU Berlin; and Sven Gall, INGWERK GmbH, Germany
The friction force in the bearing channel is related to product speed, temperature, pressure and surface conditions, which define mainly the local flow stress and contact area. Bearing channel configurations such as length and angle also play an important role because they change the hydrostatical conditions and thus, the real friction contact area. Multi-hole extrusion trials have proven that the product speed is highly sensitive to the angle in long bearing channels, but the cause of this effect has not been completely understood. In order to investigate this problem, extrusion trials of aluminum alloy AA6060 were carried out using a four-hole die with interchangeable inserts. The bearing channels had an initial diameter and length of 20 mm, but the angle of the channel was varied from 0.5° opening, parallel, 0.5° and 1° closing. After each experiment the filled inserts were carefully extracted from the die and lengthwise sectioned by means of wire erosion. Posteriorly, the aluminum-steel interface was optically evaluated and the real contact length measured. Numerical analyzes considering full and partial bearing contact length, as well as different friction models, were carried out and compared with experimental results. Modeling the Effect of Mn on Extrudability, Mechanical Properties and Grain Structure of AA6082 Alloys DTrond Furu 1, Rune Østhus 2, Nadia Telioui 3, Regine Aagård 4, Magnus Bru 4,
and Ole Runar Myhr 5
The present paper demonstrates the effect of manganese (Mn) in 6082-type alloys on extrudability, as-extruded grain structure, and mechanical properties by the use of Through Process Modeling (TPM). In order to separate the effect of Mn in dispersoids and Mn in solid solution, a rather comprehensive experimental program was designed including six different levels of Mn (0-1.2 wt%) within the 6082 window, and two specific homogenization cycles prior to extrusion and mechanical testing. The TPM methodology includes physical-based microstructure models for precipitation of Mn-dispersoids and MgSi-phases, as well as models for generation of deformation and recrystallization structures in combination with finite element (FE) simulations of the extrusion process. The input parameters to the TPM models comprise the chemical composition of the alloys and the processing parameters from casting, homogenization, extrusion, and annealing to the final artificial aging. Comparisons between simulation results and measurements have confirmed the ability of the present TPM methodology to predict changes in extrusion forces, grain structures, and mechanical properties without any tuning or calibration of the modeling parameters. Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Friction Behavior for Simulation of Extrusion Processes Dong-Zhi Sun, Andrea Ockewitz and Florence Andrieux, Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM, Germany
Extrusion processes are essentially influenced by friction between billet and extrusion tools. Process optimization as well as the microstructure and mechanical properties of extrudates depend strongly on friction effects. An accurate description of the friction is a key point in extrusion simulation. The use of common tests like pin-on-disk for the characterization of friction effects in extrusion processes is not always relevant because the loading situation is different from that in extrusion with typically high hydrostatic stress levels. In this work, a two-step friction test was developed. This experimental method enables a systematic variation of normal stress, temperature and velocity. These friction tests with cylindrical specimens are limited to small plastic deformation. To enable larger plastic deformation during the test, an alternative test setup was suggested. The geometries of the die and specimen were optimized. All friction tests were simulated with the FE code HyperXtrude to analyze the loading situations and a modified shear friction model was derived based on the experimental results. The predicted flow pattern and friction forces were compared with the experimental results. Both relevance to real extrusion processes and predictability of the friction behavior by numerical modeling were demonstrated. Multi-Goal Virtual Optimization of Industrial Extrusion Dies Barbara Reggiani, Lorenzo Donati and Luca Tomesani, University of Bologna, Department of Industrial Engineering (DIN), Italy
In the design of complex extrusion dies, a number of different and potentially conflicting goals are involved in process optimization, such as profile tolerances, mechanical properties, aesthetical surfaces and die life. Thus, a robust and comprehensive approach to investigate the problem is required that must also be compatible with the industrial timing. In this context, the aim of the present work was to perform a multi-objective virtual optimization of industrial porthole dies for the maximization of the profile quality (welds and flow balance), of the production rate (velocity) and of the die strength. Two industrial profiles were investigated: a thick round tube manufactured with a three-leg porthole die, selected as a starting point to define, fix and validate the procedure. As second step of the work, the response surface methodology was applied to extrapolate analytical input-output correlations and subsequently adopted as single input of the optimization procedure to solve a more complex industrial case of hollow profile. Extrusion of Tailored Seamless Aluminum Tubes with Axial Variable Wall Thickness and Characterization of Mechanical Properties Maik Negendank, Ugur A. Taparli, Soeren Mueller and Walter Reimers, Technische Universitaet, Berlin, Germany Production of Hollow Profiles by Hot Extrusion of Aluminum Chips Matthias Haase and A. Erman Tekkaya, Institute of Forming Technology and Lightweight Construction, TU Dortmund University, Germany; and Wojciech Z. Misiolek, Institute for Metal Forming, Lehigh University, USA
Aluminum alloy machining chips can be directly recycled into semi-finished profiles by hot extrusion without previous remelting and casting. For this approach, the aluminum machining chips are cleaned from remaining lubricants, compacted to chip-based billets and extruded at elevated temperatures to chip-based extrudates. In this paper, the feasibility of producing chip-based hollow profiles with a conventional porthole die is investigated. Cast material is processed similar to the chips in order to produce conventional extrudates as a reference. The mechanical properties and the microstructure of the chip-based finished parts are analyzed and compared to the extruded cast material. In addition, a numerical simulation of the extrusion process is conducted in order to analyze the pressure and strain affecting the chips during the extrusion process, as those are the critical factors to achieve sound bonding between the individual chips. Influence of Extrusion Die Geometry on Weld Seam Properties of AA6082 Extrudates Martin Schwane, Matthias Haase, and A. Erman Tekkaya, Institute of Forming Technology and Lightweight Construction, TU Dortmund University, Germany; and Wojciech Z. Misiolek, Institute for Metal Forming, Lehigh University, USA
Direct hot extrusion of aluminum is an established process to produce a great variety of semi-finished parts for applications in many different industries. Porthole dies are used for the production of hollow section profiles. Due to the presence of the legs supporting a bridge, seam welds are formed in the extruded profiles. Seam welds may have inferior mechanical properties compared to the base material, which can be a critical issue when the profiles are exposed to high service loads or subsequent forming steps. Several criteria for the prediction of the seam weld quality have been proposed in literature. However, there is still a lack of understanding regarding the local extrusion welding phenomena within the welding chamber. Therefore, a special test die was developed, which allows the experimental investigation of the seam weld formation along the welding zone inside the extrusion die. In addition, finite-element simulations were conducted to gain deep understanding of the relation between material flow, the evolution of state variables and the seam weld properties. Finally, the influence of the process parameters on the seam weld quality was investigated both numerically and experimentally. Using FEM to Model and Troubleshoot Extrusion Die Failures Mike A. Foster Deepu Joseph, Scientific Forming Technologies Corp., USA; and Tushar Bakhtiani, Kelby Graham, and Paul Nolting, VIP Tooling, USA Prediction of Thermal Conditions in Rod Extrusion by FEM-Analysis for Laboratory and Industrial Aluminum Extrusion Henry S. Valberg and S.T. Khorasani, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Engineering Design and Materials, Norway; D. Nolte, SINTEF, Materials and Chemistry, Department of Materials and Structural Mechanics, Norway; and W.Z. Misiolek, Lehigh University, Institute for Metal Forming, USA Required Extrusion Loads in Axisymmetric Rod Extrusion Characterized by FEM Analysis with Experiments Henry S. Valberg and S.T. Khorasani, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Engineering Design and Materials, Norway; D. Nolte, SINTEF, Materials and Chemistry, Department of Materials and Structural Mechanics, Norway; and W.Z. Misiolek, Lehigh University, Institute for Metal Forming, USA Extrusion-Machining as an Analog to Investigate the Deformation Zone Mechanics during the Aluminum Extrusion Process Daniel R. Klenosky, Andrew Kustas, David Johnson, and Kevin Trumble, Purdue University, USA Experimental Investigations and Numerical Simulations of Textures and Microstructures of Extruded Aluminum Alloys Kai Zhang, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway; Antonio Segatori, SAPA Technology, Sweden; Trond Aukrust, SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, Norway; Jesper Friis and Tanja Pettersen, SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, Norway; and Christian O Paulsen, Bjorn Holmedal and Knut Marthinsen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway Effect of Extrusion Microstructure on Corrosion of AA6005A Aluminum Alloy Daniel Seguin and Calvin L. White, Michigan Technological University, USA; Richard Dickson and Eskild Hoff, Hydro Aluminum Technology Center, USA
Development and Validation of a Dynamic and Static Recrystallization Model for Microstructural Prediction of AA6060 Aluminum Alloy with Qform Claudia Bandini, Barbara Reggiani, Lorenzo Donati and Luca Tomesani; University of Bologna, Italy